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Unit protocol
Nov 9, 2020

Unit Protocol DApp (Rinkeby)

Uniswap (Rinkeby)

List of assets (Rinkeby: Ethereum Testnet) COL, USDP, WETH, STAKE, STAKE/WETH (LP tokens), YFI, MKR, UMA, LEND, WBTC

Contract addresses to add custom tokens with Metamask:

COL 0x0F235462cA4a41EA92Fca6b7c4d67dAe0DA8d1D6

USDP 0x2905F3Dd1406797b6214Ee0654E2FB6e694C8773

WETH 0xc778417e063141139fce010982780140aa0cd5ab

STAKE 0xeED5B67BEf854D8Cb7FCa3e8220c54b3b48C461B

STAKE/WETH 0x1B50B21225c2C7B3449fF776C368d14D51d05c5a

YFI 0x62289C64a943416205142BDCcF1D752792A687e3

MKR 0xC5d9497Fd3fa13549026f2fC8048DbaE11D7114c

UMA 0xb34aDe076f9e5B40AaB8bD31694d37aec1C6f12F

LEND 0xd070437A0C4c97F4E2FF6EF9010DA2ec4fc830Eb

WBTC 0x03f1A5d11cB1C698d865756EBEdeb144898bB319



Unit protocol

Unit protocol is a decentralized borrowing protocol that allows using a variety of tokens as collateral. $COL token. $USDP stable coin.